Oh suppressed smile boy

Oh suppressed smile boy
Where are you?
Are you lost out of this world?
Are you lost in the world of imagination?
Are you lost in any beautiful eyes?
Are you lost in her dreams?
Are you lost in the world of love?
We cannot find you here
Then forgive her beauty
That made you lost out of the real world
Then forgive her heart
That also had fallen in love with you
Then forgive her mind
That cannot stop thinking about you
Then forgive her eyes
That dreams of you day and night
Then forgive her lips
That smile when you call her name so softly
Then forgive her ears
That waits so eagerly just to listen few words from you
Then forgive her hands
That wants to hold your hand in all walks of life
Then forgive her feet
That goes out of dwelling to have a glance of you
Then forgive her age
That commands her to steal your heart
So if you are lost in her
And she is lost in you too
Then express you truly love her
The way she love you
August 25, 2010


  1. Dear readers
    This poem got published in the spring edition of Scuzzy - VGSoM newsletter for its alumni.You can read it online at: http://slidesha.re/fGHSzd

  2. This one one of the poem in my debut book SHADES OF LOVE AND LIFE


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