Over the years
I have stolen millions of hearts writing about love
I enticed my audiences with my elegant looks
Freely flying very high on the sky
I aimed to reach those fascinating stars
And they saw me shinning like a star

They saw my external beauty
Let me show them my internal struggles
From childhood days to days of wisdom
The tough times and the days of fame
When I always reinvented myself
And sustaining the harsh winds striking against me

My life experiences are deep and intense
The wounds in my heart are deeper than your look
Wrapped in a strong smoke of secrets
No one knew I crave for love my entire life
True love that I deserve, the love I write about

They see me as a loner as I fly alone
But did anyone dare to reach the sky?
I have fallen down a thousand times over
But I stood up myself stronger than ever before
I survived many storms that fine-tuned me to write better

I am natural, spontaneous, resilient and bold
With dark-skinned feathers that holds strength
A paradigm of charisma and a stellar epitome of courage
My limitless spirits show my gracefulness
With sheer aplomb to fascinate people every day

Because I wear a heart of gold
Opening the doors of love and affection
Every day is a rebirth to discover new
Everything I write is my choice
As from my heart, I portray the truth

I aim high, I dream, I put efforts into it
I love all the challenges that make me grow
I am a bird that knows disappointments are not eternal
Heartbreaks don’t make me die but give new birth
Want to fly like me? I am a fearless bird, a bard

N.M. Leepsa
July 28, 2018


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