I took wing from an angel to go to the woods
When I walk into it, I got a glimpse of you, O Lord
Because I felt it was a dream while I am sleeping
I cannot believe what my eyes saw
A wonderful sight in the woods
When your hands with blessings for me
I could see light in the dark deep forest
The light from the lantern turned gloomy before your light
Your glory enlightened the earth
A wonderful sight on the earth
Like the birds flying in the air toward you
I want to fly above the earth towards the heaven
My heart feels there is life to this lifeless land as you came
My heart dance with joy to see you, my kind Lord
A wonderful sight in the heart
I always believed your existence is true
You are everywhere where my eyes can’t see
You are in my thoughts, in my words, actions
I feel the thrill of that experience to be near you
A wonderful sight in my dreams
So I bent on my knees and bow before you
Keep your blessings on me like this
I wish to worship you till my last breath
I wish to see you always in my little heart
A wonderful sight in the mind & soul
© N. M. Leepsa, 2018
Slate and Pencil online poetry contest, April 13, 2018

Do not copy, cite, reproduce, publish, perform, distribute or modify this blog's content without the permission of the author. For permission contact leepsa.writer@gmail.com


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