What I am learning these days? New Skill for Good Health

 Yoga Class

  1. Neck Exercises

  2. Titali Asana or Baddha Konasana- Butterfly Yoga

  3. Leg Cycling- Left, RIght, Both, front and back

  4. Gehera Lamba Sas, Om and Gayatri Mantra

  5. Trikonasana - Triangle Pose

  6. Surya Namaskar- Sun Salutation 

  7. Tadasan - mountain pose

  8. Navasana - Boat Pose for Beginners

  9. Konasana - bound angle pose 

  10. Salabhasana (The Locust Pose)

  11. Sitrasan -Left Sitlasan, Right Sitlasan

  12. Hastapadasan -hand to foot pose 

  13. Pawanmuktasan - Wind relieving pose

  14. Savasana- Corpse Pose for Deep Relaxation

  15. Vajrasan yoga- Diamond pose or Thunderbolt Pose

  16. Supta Vajrasana / Reclining diamond pose

  17. Ustrasan yoga - Camel Pose

  18. Makarasan- Crocodile Pose 

  19. Setu Bandhasana -BridgePose 

  20. Markatasan - Monkey Pose

  21. Simhasan - Lion Breath pose

  22. Hasya Yog or Hasi Kriya- laughter yoga 

  23. Viochana kriya - lungs exercise 

  24. Pranayama- Breathing exercise

    1. Anulom Vilom - Stress and Anxiety

    2. Agnisar Kriya- Digestive system

    3. Ujaya Pranayam- Ocean Breathing- Snoring for respiratory issues and Thyroid

    4. Brahmari Pranayam- Bee Breathing 

  25. Kapalabharati 

  26. Dhyan -Om (With Sound and Without Sound)

  27. Pratana and Santi Patha

    1. Loka Samasta Sukhina Bhaba


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