Walking with Daddy

Walking with Daddy

Daddy walking ahead
with his huge steps,
cannot catch up with him,
my tiny feet run and leap
but I fall short and then
I free my hand.

run away and farther,
away from papa,
away to freedom,
away towards the sun.
But the sun sets,
it gets dark,
alone and tired of running,
I cry.

I need you now daddy,
give me the comfort of your hand,
carry me now,
over your shoulders,
I am so tired.

Put me on  your lap daddy,
sing me a 
let me chatter in my tongue,
is it foreign?
I want to be heard and
I long to hear your voice.
Cradle me to sleep now
so that I can wake 
the next morning
find my feet in sync with yours.

Got the copy of resonance. my poems was published ... walking with my daddy
Copyright Leepsa

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